Saturday, June 30, 2007

Motorcyclists and all drivers beware on River Road

They were patrolling today as you left Alton. Quite cleverly they were sitting right around a bend so as you accelerated leaving town they coud nab you for speeding and they were doing a brisk business. Yes that is your tax dollars at work to make your life a little more miserable. I didn't see any motorcycles pulled over today but that doesn't mean there wasn't. I say we boycott the River Road and Grafton until after the 8th make this a waste and maybe they will stop harassing us.

On a different note, as I have discussed before there are some people that have plagiarized things I have written for The Biking Life, that is right they took them put them ina nother publication and passed them off defacto as something they did. This individual also said he would acknowledge the source, and I said "No, you don't have to" to which this unethical person said no I'm going to, well they didn't. I guess I was wrong to think that someone who things plagiariam is okay would do the right thing.


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