Monday, April 13, 2009

I've BeenThinking Again

My thoughts took me back to the events prior to the hugely successful Midwest Motorcycle Swap Meet. A couple of things puzzle me though,one is that the gentleman that manages the hall we rented knew of my involvement with a bike show held in Belleville. Since that event occurred I have tried to put a lot of distance between it and myself, certainly not something I have told a lot of people about. So I wonder where this man got that information. Another thing that bothers me is nowhere did I say who was going to have a booth there or what motorcycle clubs would be represented. Yet somehow law enforcement got it in their minds that certain groups would be there. I wonder how they got that information listening in on conversations or did they get a tip. Thirdly they did a better job of estimating beforehand how many people would attend, in fact I was pleasantly surprised when I heard their numbers but how did they have any clue how many would attend a first time event, which by their very nature many vendors shy away from because it is hard to judge how many folks will show up. These are questions I ponder. Oh and there is one more which is how many people would have shown up if there hadn't been so many law enforcement officials.


Blogger John said...

Jim, maybe it was just the location. After all, that place is a hall that holds bingo on the weekends. A recent news article on channel 4 TV showed how another bingo hall in Illinois was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend during bingo. Maybe bingo halls are not safe and need a large police presence.

April 13, 2009 at 11:10 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Very funny, I did have the manager of the place tell me they have had much rowdier crowds for bingo and certainly more fights break out so maybe you are onto something there John

April 13, 2009 at 1:16 PM  

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