Tuesday, January 29, 2008

OH Oh Don't Look Now But Motorcycle Events Have Been Updated

Oh my gosh I have been such a slacker here lately. Well not really but that would have to get into some personal stuff that I ain't going to share. But hey suffice it to say that I no longer have to work in an icebox during the winter and so I have finally updated the motorcycle events page. I apologize to all of you who depend on the website for that information and will try to do better. Also I think you are really going to like the February issue. I think it is filled with a lot of cool stuff and we hope to bring you even more int the months ahead.

I have some pretty big plans for this our 5th Anniversary Year. It seems hard to believe but we have come a long way together over these past few years and I will continue along with everyone who helps me to bring you the best magazine around for at least another 5 years.

Thanks for putting up with me and hopefully soon it will be warm again and I'll see you out on my scoot. I think I still have one but my ass ain't sure.

Monday, January 28, 2008

It's Not Safer on 4 Wheels

In addition to the speedway bikes racing on ice at the Family Arena in St Charles, there were the quad races. As in other forms of open wheel racing, it can get very dangerous when wheels meet, especially when those wheels are full of steel studs and heading for your face.
I also want to give a special thanks to Anthony Barlow and XIIR for the access to be able to take great pictures like this.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Clubs/Organizations Listing Update

I updated the 'Clubs' listing here on The Biking Life web site with the changes that I knew about. However, I expect there are a few more corrections that are needed. Please let us know by adding a comment. If possible give the web site address if they have one.

A few notable changes include: ABATE for Missouri Gateway to Freedom chapter now meets at Shady Jack's on the first Tuesday of the month, Kirkwood HOG has moved their meetings to the Stratford Inn and the St Charles HOG chapter has moved to the VFW in St Charles on the first Wednesday of the month.

Click on the 'Clubs' tab above for details and a link to their web sites.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Extreme International Ice Racing

They go from zero to 60 mph in 3 seconds on the ice of a hockey rink riding bikes with no brakes. On Jan 26, motorcycle racing on ice returns to the Family Area in St Charles. Discount tickets are available now at Doc's H-D in Kirkwood.
For more info check out the Family Area web site http://familyarena.com/

Friday, January 4, 2008

Belleville Motorcycle Swap Meet This Sunday

Yes I know folks I left out the events page this time. I wasn't sure when the magazine would be back in my hands and most of the month's activities were around the first my apologies it won't happen again. The Belleville Swap Meet is this Sunday as always colors are prohibited but it is still a good time and The Biking Life will be there handing out our January issue along with selling our t-shirts and the 2007 DVD. If I say so myself this year's is even better than last years and we have big plans for next years already. I hope the New Year has been good for all of you and look forward to seeing you on Sunday.