Motorcyclists and all drivers beware on River Road
They were patrolling today as you left Alton. Quite cleverly they were sitting right around a bend so as you accelerated leaving town they coud nab you for speeding and they were doing a brisk business. Yes that is your tax dollars at work to make your life a little more miserable. I didn't see any motorcycles pulled over today but that doesn't mean there wasn't. I say we boycott the River Road and Grafton until after the 8th make this a waste and maybe they will stop harassing us. On a different note, as I have discussed before there are some people that have plagiarized things I have written for The Biking Life, that is right they took them put them ina nother publication and passed them off defacto as something they did. This individual also said he would acknowledge the source, and I said "No, you don't have to" to which this unethical person said no I'm going to, well they didn't. I guess I was wrong to think that someone who things plagiariam is okay would do the right thing.
Cage Fighting in Collinsville
I forgot to mention this as something else to do this weekend but there is Cage Fighting at the Firemen's Hall in Collinsville, IL at 9510 Collinsville Rd. There will be former UFC fighters participating in bouts and promises to be an action fill non-motorcycle event. Also if you bring in the ad from page 40 of the June issue you will get $5 off at the door. I will be there and hope to see someb of you.
The River Road Motorcyclists Beware
To all my motorcycle riding and even those on four wheels. I have been informed by a member of the Piasa-Gateway ABATE Chapter that starting on Friday June 29th and through July 8th the Illinois State Patrol is going to be stopping motorists of all types. They have been gien a million d0llar grant by the Federal Gvoernment to do this and they will be looking to get some money back. Please amke sure you have all your documents with you and that if you do any drinking you do it responsibly or beeter yet since we know where they are going to be just avoid this area and let them waste the money. Please pass this information to as many of your friends as possible no one deserves a ticket and the accompanying repercussions.
This Weekend
This weekend is kind of like the calm before the storm. There are events going on but not as many as most weekends. One of the bigger ones is probably the Star Riders State Rally on Friday and Saturday this event will be at Niehaus Cycle Sales in Litchfield, IL and with all the cool things folks are doing with Yamaha Stars it should be very fun. The Outlanders are having an Ice Cream Poker Ru on Saturday please refer to the magazine for more details or check out Ted's Motorcycle World web site. Sunday is the Kirkwood LOH Panty Ride sign up is at Doc's. The Cross Road Riders are having their Annual Bike Show and Blessing at the park in Union, MO, Sign up is from 11 to 1. What ever you do this weekend have fun and be safe.
Hello my fellow motorcyclists
Got back into town yesterday in time to catch some of the Super Jam at Jack's Iron Horse Bar and Grill. This was really well attended and all the bands did a great job in the heat to put on a fantastic show for the countless hundreds in attendance if you missed this you missed some of the best bands in the St Louis area. I was impressed by the Dave Glover Band because I had never seen them before and they do a nice job. Of course one of the show stoppers was the Andrew John playing many of the songs off their Custom Rod CD which also was the soundtrack for The Biking Life DVD. Prior to that we had been at the Dam Rally near the Clarence Canon Spillway on Mark Twain Lake in the Hanibal area. This event started slowly but the crowd built throughout the day on Saturday and by the time the evening bands were taking the stage and the Burn Out Contest won by none other than Billy Badass were taking place it was starting to rock big time and then there was the wet t-shirt contest where the entrants were vying for $450 the event was rolling. That is right the winner got $450 that is how we and the events we support are no gimmicks with astrerisks but just cash. That said we are once again entering another week of fun motorcycle events, tomorrow night we will be at Show-Me's in Fairview Heights, IL, Wednesday we are hoping to hit the BAR Ride leaving out of Shady Jack's and Thursday we will be at least at Geo's Wings and More on West Main in Belleville, IL. Last week more than 130 of you showed up on your motorcycles and hot rods are also welcome.
The July Issue Is Finished
It was once again a struggle we had some power issues at our lavish corporate offices but were able to overcome those and put together yet another pretty darn good piece of work. We already have a lot of good stuff forour August issue and now we are preparing for the trip to Mark Twain Lake for the Dam Rally. I hope to see a lot of you there afterall this is rally season and what else would someone want to do on a Friday night but to go where they are going to party for the whole weekend. I'd like to remind you about the Freedom Ride which will be leaving from the Outside INN in New Baden on Saturday, most of the poker runs we publicize are ones that you win cash on. isn't that what we all like. There is also a run for Kedo which will leave the Double Deuce in Cahokia, IL around 11, for those of you who don't know Kedo is Lisa's brother and he really needs our support. I heard that Geo's Wings and More in Belleville, IL was packed last night. This is a great place, the food is good and the location is ideally set up for a Bike Night, lots of outdoor seating and even when it warms up the place has all kinds of windows so you cab still see your bike. That is what we look for in a place somewhere you will be comfortable. That is just the way The Biking Life motorcycles roll. Peace out oh and one last thing don't forget about the SuperJam concert featuring Joe Dirt, Johnny Rock-itt, the Dave Glover Band and the creator of The Biking Life DVD soundtrack Andrew John at Jack's Iron Horse Bar and Grill on the St Charle Rock Road..
This Weekend
I know this is getting to sound like a broken record but there is just a ton of fun stuff to do this weekend. Friday and Saturday will find us at the Dam Rally and I invite you all to come out nad join your hosts Terry Tesson and me for a weekend of fun. There are many improvements this year and a bunch since the former organizers are no longer involved. There will be Ultimate fighting, bike shows, Raffles and a whole lot more come check it out. Then there is also the ABATE Illinois state rally at Altamont, IL this is also big fun and say hi to our rep there Damet Janet. Closer to home it is Rocking Gators Anniversary on Saturday and Lisa is throwing one heck of a party. Saturday night the Alton LOH are staging a dinner run and Sunday there will be the Super Jam at Jack's Iron Horse Saloon on St charles Rock Road, featuring Joe Dirt, Johnny Rock-itt, the Dave Glover Band and our personal favorite and the creator of the sound track for The Biking ife DVD Andrew John. Thias is truly just a small sampling of what is going on there is also the Corporal Buckley run for more information check the events tab on the website.
Worth The Wait?
The OCC built Go Fast theme bike finally made it to Shady Jack's around 11:00 PM. Was it worth the wait? Here is a look at the bike with Jack's girls, you decide. Labels: Custom Motorcycle, Go Fast, OCC, Shady Jack's
OCC Built Bike in Town
Hi All, Orange County Choppers built a theme bike for Go Fast Energy Drink. This bike is touring the country and tomorrow night Tuesday June 19th it will be in our area at Shady Jack's 1432 N Broadway at 7 PM. If you would like to see up close and personal an example of the fine work these master builders do, then this is your opportunity and then you could come back on Wednesday night for the Bad Ass Riders or BAR Ride that also takes place at 7 kind of and this week my bike should be running better. Because of me Ace mechanic, now that is scary.
This Week in Motorcycling
Well this is going to be a busy week for The Biking Life staff. In addition ot putting toether another iteration of what we believe is a darn fine magazine we will also be making our regular weekly appearances. That means that tomorrow night I will be at the Show-Me's in Fairview Heights, IL on Lincoln Highway across from the mall. Where the cute young lady pictured will make sure you are well taken care of. Wednesday Night I hope to make it to Shady Jack's on North Broadway in St Louis for the weekly ride from there. This is known as the B.A.R. Ride and has no rules, dues or officers just a bunch of folks that like to ride and we hit a lot of new and different places. I invite you to come and check it out. Thursday Night I will be at Geo's Wings on West Main in Belleville, IL at some point in time although I am tentatively plannning on making the HardRiders first stop if possible. There is also the usual party going on at Biker's Corner in St Louis on North Market and Vandeventer and Chuck-A-Burger in St Charles. As you know we strive to make it to as many events as possible so look for us elsewhere too.
I have been asked
I have been asked to not blog about the HardRiders and how some individuals have used their affiliation with them for personal gain. And I will after this post. When I first addressed this, it was based on observation on my part and some comments from some of the group members themselves. About a week ago though, I had an owner tell me that the reason he advertised in a publication was that he was promised HardRider stops if he did so. In other words, it was confirmed to me that the suspicions of myself and others were indeed correct. I know this is not a concerted effort by the HardRiders as an organization but thought you should be aware. The person that asked me not to blog about this has assured me that steps have been taken to ensure this doesn't take place in the future. I truly appreciate this, the HardRiders is a fun group and one I support. I have no issue with the HardRiders. I have gone on several Thursday Night rides and the HardRiders were included albeit briefly on the DVD we did last year featuring events we attended. As stated in my previous blog below we have given the HardRiders coverage in our publication, and we list your ride along with the hotline number in the print edition as well as online. These actions are not those of someone who is anti-HardRider. Personally, I have problems calling friends and asking them to attend things I host. I don't believe it gives the merchants, bars or restaurants involved an accurate basis to judge the power of the magazine and the results we deliver. Most of our sales calls go something like this--merchants, bars and restaurants call us asking how they can get in our publication. They do this because their friends have told them of the results we deliver or they have seen the magazine themselves and like it.
Happy Father's Day
To all my motorcycle rding friends and readers I wish you a Happy Father's Day. Today I think there are some honey dos in my future then perhaps a little later a ride into Cahokia to see how the benefit ride turned out. I hope you have a fantatsic day no matter what you choose to do. I also know many of you are not yet back from Hog Rock my goodness there were a lot of motorcyclists gathered in Southern Illinois for a weekend full of biker fun. The Hartbauer/McBride Dance was a good time and held some surprises especially for me. The ones involving me were pretty gratifying. There was another surprise and you will now more about that the next time you see Wildman.
This Weekend
Kicks off with Hog Rock if you like to party and see a lot of people, I mean physically see a lot of people then Hog Rock is the place for you. In Southern Illinois surrounded by some of the best riding around, there are lots of fun contests and always some of the best bands around, in fact I'll be leaving soon. Closer to home is the Hartbauer/McBride Foundation Dance on Saturday night at Goff-Moll American Legion Post, this is a big time and the proceeds go to help bikers and their families when a need occurs, you can see the flyer in an earlier post. Sunday is a benefit ride leaving out of the Brandy Inn in Cahokia, this goes to help a great need so if you can show up it would be awesome. See you down the road.
B.A.R. Ride
Good morning fellow motorcyclists are you looking for something to make your midweek a little more fun then come out this evenign and try the Bad Ass Riders Ride better known as the BAR Ride. This is a great group of people all very friendly and we leave Shady Jack's North Broadway location a little after 7 PM and we visit two or three other establishments and put a little mileage on our bikes as well as visit some of our favorite places. If you are making plans for your weekend I invite you to come out to couple of things on Saurday one is a bike show that will be held at the Hwy 67 Saloon outside Festus, MO it is on your way to Surdyk'es Harley Davidson and the other is the Hatbauer McBride AKA "Bikers Helping Bikers" Foundation Dance on the 16th it will take place at the Goff-Noll American Legion Post on collier St in St louis.
I would like to thank all who came out to Show-Me's this evening. The bike night there is starting to catch on, and I thank my friends for coming out as well as David, Eric and Steve. I hope to see you back again and please remind your friends. Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means it is time for the Bad Ass Riders Ride, we will be leaving out of Sahdy Jack's right around 7. This is another event that is growing and we hope to see even more of you riding this week
Steamboat Retraction
Hello readers I have been informed the past few days by both the owners of the Steamboat Restaurant and the neighboring INN, that there were nuerous inaccuracies in the "Sad Day in Clarksville" Biker Biz Bit in the May issue of the publication. I did not check out the piece thouroughly and was not aware of these discrepancies until they were brought to my attention by the above. Our apologies go out to any who were affected by this item and vow to do better going forward. I have also been assured by the new owners that this establishment is still very motorcycle or biker freindly.
This Week's Bike Nights and Rides
This week you will find The Biking Life at a number of the following Bike Nights and motorcycle events: Tuesday there is the bike night at Show-Me's on Lincoln Highway in Fairview Heights, IL featuring $3 wings and $2 longnecks. Wednesday there is a bike night at KJ's Saloon in on South Illinois in Belleville, IL check out their specials Of course Wednesday Night also means it is time for the BAR Ride which leaves out of Shady Jack's on North Broadway in St Louis, don't forget no officers and no dues and so far no politics Thursday is Bike Night at Geo's Wings and More on West Main St in Bellevile, IL great food and lots of your friends you need to check this out Then there is also Bike Night at Bikers Corner on North Vandeventer in St Louis where you cann see sll types of motorcycles and motorcyclists hanging out. There is also a Bike night at Chuck-A-Burgers just off HWY 370 in St Charles. This Thursday there is also a motorcycle show put on at Bobby's Custard on Highway 159 in Glen Carbon put on by the Road Riders for Jesus, if you are out check this out and of course I will tell you about the weekends motorcycle events later this week.
If you let the threat of weather
keep you home today instead of out on your motorcycle then you missed a day of great events. I hear the bike show at TJ's in Peveley, MO turned out well. But keep your calendar marked for July 8th when The Biking Life is the sponsoring organization of the next TJ's Bike Show. That is right we spend money to sponsor events and help out charities. We are not about just taking from the community but have always wanted to give back to the motorcycle riders of the area who have supported us and our advertisers. The Gypsy Tour was a lot of fun as well and to see Patty Bush from Doc's and Bill Stewart of Ted's Motorcycle World in Alton out there competing was fun. After checking out the field events there and congrats to Spider and Damnit Janet from the Salty Dogs on there prize winning finish, we headed out to the Skyrider's Club House in Livingston, MO where there was still more than 50 motorcycles of all types around having just completed their poker run, I will say ti again right now if you like good food you need to check out one of their poker runs because all their stops put on a spread. I hope you have a good weekend and got to ride your motorcycle be safe and we'll see you down the road. Oh don't forget to come out and join us at Show-Me's on Lincoln Highway ion Fairview Heights. IL on Tuesday for their bike night and if you want to have a reason other than the 10 wings for $3 or the $2 longnecks I suggest you check out the photo on this blog from last week.
Good Morning Motorcyclists and Bikers
Well the grass is mowed so now I can styart thinking about more fun things, like as Sammy would say' jumping on that bad motor scooter and riding' to paraphrase. Oh for some of my competitors that is what you do when you use something somebody else wrote you quote it and you give the source, you do not act like it is yours. I have told you where I will be duing the next couple of days, boy there is a lot going on this weekend and lots of worthy causes to support. We are working on plans to make the Bike Show we sponsor in July at TJ's different and to try to give some new people a peek into the world of motorcycling. The Wednesday Night B.A.R. Ride is steadily growing and no I didn't end up riding last week it has to do with marriage, grandkids and no water at the house these are my sad woes, if you ask I'll tell you but I ain't here to bore you I'm here to talk motorcycling, well and not just talk many of you have actually seen me on a motorcycle. Hardriders I have a post I'm going to post for you next week, just remember the Wednesday Night Ride is not about pimping people out, not about using a group of friends for anyone's financial benefit. And there are no dues or fees to be a part of this, all you need is a motorcycle and the desire to really ride some.
Motorcycles motorcycles motorcycles
motorcycle clubs, motorcycle events, motorcyle trips we are about all that and so much more. and the more we mention motorcycles maybe we can get some better motorcycle related links on this page.
The Upcoming Weekend
Hi folks there is justa buttload of stuff going on this weekend, if you can't find a ride or something to do near you, well then I don't think you checked our events calendar. Tonight the Drifters MC is sponsoring a block party in the area surrounding Biker's Corner. Tomorrow there is the Grand Opening a C & S cycles on Hwy 61/67 in Imperial Missouri, stop in and wish Cap and Jeannie well. There is also an awesome bike show at Chariots of Fire in the Moscow Mills Plaza in Moscow Mills they are located just off Hwy 61 and Hwy C. Down south there is a bike show at Desoto Fest this is a nice ride from just about anywhere and you need to check out Fatboy's while you are checking out the bikes. This is hosted by Squatty's Speed shop and looks to have a great turnout, as for rides there is a Ride on St Louis ride that is sponsored by the Gateway to the West Hog Chapter and will be leaving out of the Dealership. The Annual Donnie Bauman Run hosted by the 100 MPH club and leaving from their clubhouse on Bunkum Rd in Caseyville, IL is a personal favorite. Oh and there is the Carol West Benefit Poker Run which will leave outof Sharky's in Maryville, Il at Hwy 159 and I-55/70, come out and help Scott raise money for his mom's health issues. Sunday there is a bike show at TJ's Bar and Grill in Pevely, MO, these are always fun and mark your calendar now because The Biking Life is going to sponsor the show here on July 8th and you never know what we will do, but you know it will be different. There is also the Gypsy Tour another great annual event. rides leave from Doc's HD, Ted's Motorcycle World and Bob Schultz Harley Davidson and converge on Falling Springs in Dupo, IL for the field events. And last but certainly not least the Skyriders are having a Poker Run and sign up is from 10 to noon at Ted's Motorcycle World in Alton, IL. I am going to make a few of these and some of our other staff memebrs will make others but we look forward to seeing you out on the road. We truly appreciate it when you tell us what you like and dislike about the magazine it is your input that helps to keep it fresh. And we get a lot of input we just don't waste pages in the magazine telling you how great you think we are, seems kind of self serving to me, that would almost be like me putting a bunch of pictures of myself attending events in the magazine, I don't need to do that you know who I am and you see me there. I would much rather put pictures of you in the book. Labels: Motorcycle events
Wednesday Night B.A.R. Ride
Yes finally Wednesday has come around and that means only one thing!!! It is time for the BAR Ride. To the left you can see some of the bikes taking off on an early edition of this fun biker get together. Once again I remind you this is the weekly ride with no officers, why do you need officers to have a ride???? No rules and most importantly no dues, we want you to keep your money. I look forward to seeing you there. I am definitely riding tonight. Labels: Motorcycle events
Show-Me's Bike Night
If you missed Bike Night at Show-Me's on Lincoln Highway tonight I feel sorry for you. Not only did you miss a great deal on wings, 10 for $3, and dometic longnecks for $2 each but you also missed some of the hottest girls on the East Side of the river. If you like good food, cold drinks and some of the best looking females around then I would mark your calendar right now for next Tuesday. Also they also have a bike night everyy other Wednesday as well, this one is co-sponsored by Victory Lane Powersports. Whatever your passion come on out and check this fun place out. The deck makes this an awesome place to sit watch traffic roll by, keep an eye on your bike and just ave a great time.
Motorcycles motorcycles motorcycles
Harley Davidson motorcycle racing at the Springielf Mile. If you haven't seen the flat track racing that takes place in Springfield on the Sunday of the Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends you are really shorting yourself. These guys roar around the motorcycle track at speeds of 150 miles per hour only inches from each other. It is not too early to start making plans to attend the races on Labor Day. Killer looks forward to seeing you there, yes it is his turn to go. motorcycle clubs, motorcycle events, motorcyle trips we are about all that and so much more. and the more we mention motorcycles maybe we can get some better motorcycle related links on this page. Labels: motorcycles and motorcycle racing
What is going on
Tomorrow night, Tuesday is Bike Night at the Show-Me's in Fairview Heights, IL. This is a good time and a great place to come hang out on their deck and visit with your friends. That brings us to Wednesday Night and the BAR Ride which leaves out of Shady Jack's right on time somewhere near 7 PM. I think I'll finally be able to make it again this week. Thursday is Bike Night at Geo's Wings on West Main in Belleville, IL - good food, good crowd and nice patio for a visit. Which brings me to another topic that also goes along with the heading. It gets to be a little disheartening; the magazine does a lot to help out causes and runs flyers whenever possible either for free or in some cases for a severely discounted rate. We do that to support the community, but often times the appreciation of what we do seems very lacking. It would also be nice to see a little more support of some of the other things the magazine does by those people whom we support in their endeavors. Look around, see who supports you and support them; that is how it should work. Okay I'm done whining. Labels: motorcycle happenings
Harley Davidson Don't Read
Mototrcycle, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha Motorcycle. You shouldn't read this I'm just trying to get Google to put some Motorcycle related links on this page. Triumph motorcycle, BMW motorcycle.
Sunday June 3rd
Was a great day to own a motorcycle if you were able to ride. I put on a lot of miles today. The Arthritis Foundation Ride was awesome and Jeff Pittenger, John Skala and anyone else involved in choosing the route are to be commended. I think there is still time to join The Biking Life Team and make a difference in the fight against Arthritis. To my Motorhead friends I apologize for not being on your motorcycle poker run but had agreat time at the party at Falling Springs afterwards. Thanks for letting me emcee the tittie contest it was fantastic and thanks again to all who participated. You are all good sports and are truly appreciated. Don't worry you'll hear more about all this stuff in coming issues. The picture is one I took of the bikes in front of me as I rode the Arthritis Foundation motorcycle ride.
Today and Tomorrow
Hi today was a lot of fun, well okay for me maybe not so much for Joy. We took loff this morning tried to get some Scertary of State business done but we all know how helpful those people can be. So it was off to Doc's for their Anniversary party they did an excellent job of putting together a fun event for their customers featuring many great vendors, as well as boothes for Bikers for Babies and Hartbauer/McBride 'Bikers Helping Bikers'. And topped off by some fine music by the Johnny Rock-itt Band. From there we went down to Don's Speed Sgop to enjoy the hospitality of Mark/ Pappy and his wife Chris they had a great day with friends and customers rolling in and out all day as weather allowed. Tomorrow is the Arthritis Foundation Ride and I would like to see this be a big success and for that we need your help. If you are looking for something else to do Don's Spped Shop is hosting the State Park Ride which will be taking off from TJ's in Pevely, MO. If you haven't gone on one of these i urge you to check it out there is great riding and they visit some very nice state parks, don't worry refreshments are taken care of. The Illinois Motorheads Annual Poker run is also on this day and leaves out of Phyl's, Chet and Roses in Marine, IL and will end at Falling Springs check it out. Finally there is a Dollar Against Diabetes Run I think it leaves from Jack's Iron Horse bnut am not positive. Take care.
Ride 4 Arthritis Last Chances to sign up for The Biking Life Team
I know I posted this event before on the blog but thought I would like to once again extend an invitation to all of you to either take part on this ride, as a member of one of the teams or to make a donation on your own to the Arthritis Foundation, and those of you who work some corporations may be able to double your contribution if your company has a matching program. Arthritis does not just affect the more mature in our population it also affects children and people no matter where they are in the life cycle. It is because of this that alomst all of us no someone who has arthritis and see the pain and suffering it causes in their lives. So I ask you once again to help others and get an opportunity to ride your motorcycle and have fun.Howdy folks I have a favor to ask of you. I am once again involved with the Ride 4 Arthritis and this year's event promises to be the best ever. I have also been chosen to captain a team. My request is that as many of you as can please sign up for my team to do this you need to visit: http://ride4arthritis.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=218206Then on the left hand side of the page is a team ranking and if you click on the The Biking Life team you can join it. I would like to see a lot of The Biking Life supporters out there. If you sign up online and pre-register for the event. I will sell you a t-shirt for 7.50 or half of the usual price. I think it would be very cool to see a bunch of us wearing magazine t-shirts taking part in this ride. Just send me an email after you sign up if you want the t-shirt.